truth was once taboo
A Memoir of Self-Knowledge in the Age of Spiritual Sovereignty
Embark on a transformative journey with Manisha Jane in a memoir that seamlessly blends ancient wisdom with modern spirituality. From Australia to India and beyond, she shares profound insights with grace, humour and vulnerability. We follow the author as she encounters a revolutionary meditation movement that unveils the hidden treasures of the subtle body and the common threads of the world's religions, and leads to her unconventional marriage.
Manisha takes readers on an enlightening voyage of self-awareness, empowerment and interconnection, weaving through her story many issues pertinent to the world today, including ecology, community, quantum mechanics, and the role of women in the modern West. Packed with vivid Sanskrit references and heartfelt storytelling, Truth Was Once Taboo is a must-read for anyone curious about the path to awakening and ready to embrace the inner Self.
Truth be told, there's more to being human than meets the eye.

"A beautiful writer with a capacity to convey complex and profound ideas in a simple, direct, evocative and immersive manner. Manisha Jane weaves colour, poetry, style and personality into her writing without it feeling that it's trying too hard. She has a wonderful gift for communication and some compelling ideas to share. There is a lot to love in this work.
I also love the humour that Manisha brings to her writing. A comedic thread keeps the spiritual principles from taking themselves too seriously, and lends a sense of lightness and relatability to topics that people can otherwise feel overawed and overwhelmed by.
There is a huge need in the world for stories like this that take complex, abstract spiritual concepts and make them accessible, humanise them, simplify them and invite people into a conversation they might not have even realised they're ready to have."
- Cate Hogan, Literary Editor.

"A beautifully-written and insightful memoir that offers a rich tapestry of human experiences, intricately weaving together themes of friendship, love, marriage and beauty, not to mention femininity, family, culture and travel.
With each turn of the page, I found myself drawn deeper into its enchanting narrative. Manisha Jane captivates her readers with a blend of profound insights, eloquent prose, and even romance, delving into the realms of Sahaja yoga and beyond."
- Clara Abigail, Professional Book Editor
"I'm enjoying reading this memoir immensely. It is so interesting, deep, and very moving. Manisha Jane is sure to get a warm welcome because her story is written from the heart. And it does full justice to Sahaja Yoga."
- Genevieve, reader and translator


I always wanted to be a writer. That is, until the fourth grade when the merciless Mister Rose - Girl Scout badge inspector - obliterated my dream by not awarding me the writer's badge that I'd poured heart and soul into achieving. I might have forgotten to cross a few T's or dot a few I's... Whatever the reason, that heart-crushing event set my life on an entirely different course. Instead of becoming a journalist or a novelist, I became a teacher; a career that has proven to be most rewarding. Now, well into my forties, and after decades of writing journals, poems and letters, I'm finally taking my words seriously enough to write a book and publish it.
As synchronicity would have it, it's taken me this long anyway to gather the ways, the means and the audacity to tell my story -Â a story which began nearly twenty-five years ago when I started practicing Sahaja Yoga meditation. Since that time I've never stopped imbibing and imparting the teachings of it's founder, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, that again set me on an entirely unexpected and wonderful path.
So if, by night (and often into the early hours of the morning) I am now a writer, by day I'm still a teacher. I am also a wife, mother, and home-maker in a picturesque French country town, on the opposite side of the globe from my magnificent and cherished homeland, Australia.
Fortunately dreams do not have an expiry date. I hope you enjoy reading my memoir as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.